Tauranga Moana Waitangi Day Dawn Service 2024
Tauranga Moana Waitangi Day Dawn Service 2024

6:00am -
Come together at dawn to commemorate the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi). Gather at Hopukiore (Mount Drury Reserve) in
Come together at dawn to commemorate the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi).
Gather at Hopukiore (Mount Drury Reserve) in Mount Maunganui from 6am and see the sun rise over Waitangi Day. The service will start at 6.30am with a welcome from tangata whenua, followed by kapa haka, hymns, and guest speakers.
Speakers will include local kaumatua (elders), clergy from community church groups, civic leaders and rangatahi (youth) speakers.
Our service will conclude around 8am.